OAK ROOM的故事要從六年前開始說起,當時,創辦人Robin想要為台灣的紳士們提供一種全新的購物體驗:去發掘那些不只因名氣、而是以傑出工藝與豐富歷史聞名,並能將自身故事與眾人分享的工匠。這些品牌多半是家族經營且維持著較小的規模,它們的名聲也幾乎無法傳達到亞洲的消費者耳中。基於對紳士鞋履與皮革製品的熱愛(特別是那些來自英國的),我們親身去拜訪各地優秀的工匠並與他們結成合作夥伴,將這些來自海外的瑰寶首次呈現給台灣的經典男裝愛好者。
儘管我們對「Shoes make the man」這句名言十分贊同,OAK ROOM的願景則是盡可能地幫助台灣男士去發現「穿著得體」所帶來的樂趣,以及在他們決定不盲目跟隨潮流後、開始培養自我風格的旅程中給予適當的指引。不只是一間男裝選品店,我們以成為經典風格的傳遞者與眾多台灣Dandy的領航員為目標而努力著。
The story of OAK ROOM started over 6 years ago when the founder Robin dreamt of offering a new shopping experience for the gentlemen in Taiwan: To discover and offer a selection of distinguished makers who’s values are not just in their names, but for their proven craftsmanship, rich heritage, and most important of all, have great stories to tell. Too often these brands remain small and family-owned and seldomly do their fame spread to this part of the hemisphere. Driven by our passion for classic footwear and leather crafts, especially those from the UK, we have personally sought out and secured partnerships with some of the finest artisans, many to be introduced in Taiwan for the very first time.
While we certainly agree with the famous saying: “Shoes make the man,” our mission is to help our fellow countrymen discover the joys of dressing nice and to aid their journey in creating their own personal style instead of following fashion trends. More than just a store, we hope to be recognized as the transmitter of style and a source of knowledge for the dandies and the would-be dandies in Taiwan.